Logon information for members of:
- Norsk atferdsanalytisk forening
- European Association for Behavior Analysis
- SKY Association
The EJOBA Web Site (http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/rejo) does not have access to the membership registers of these associatons, and are therefore not able to authorize access for menbers of those. Members of these associations will instead use this page for the login procedure. After logging on, you will be forwarded to the journals Web Site.
Please note that there is a logon-button on the top of this page.
Members of Norsk atferdsanalytisk forening, NAFO:
The password you have registered for logging on to the NAFO Web Site will also be valid for logging on to EJOBA. If you have forgotten your password, you might retrieve it from either this Web Site or from the NAFO Web Site
Members of European Association for Behavior Analysis and SKY Association:
These Associations membership registers are frequently synchronized with the Logon Service on this Site. If your E-mail address is associated with a current membership, you will be able to apply for a password which will normally be sent to you within a few seconds. If the logon service does not recognize your E-mail address, or does not reckognize you as member, please contact membership services for your Association:
European Association for Behavior Analysis:
E-mail: secretary@europeanaba.org
SKY Association:
Martti Tuomisto - E-mail: martti.tuomisto@tuni.fi
Should you experience any technical issues, please contact Norwegian Association for Behavior Analysis at E-mail: service.nafo@atferd.no